The PubMed Trainer's Toolkit

Instructional materials for teaching PubMed.
Title Date Runtime Format
Where Do I Find Evidence? Sources for Evidence-Based Practice from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) This is a slide deck with full notes for instructors. This is an interactive, 60-minute class on finding evidence in the biomedical literature using PubMed and Bookshelf, evidence in the research results using, and synthesis in authoritative reference sources in MedlinePlus and DailyMed. The class is designed for clinical staff and students of the clinical health professions. Jan. 26, 2024 60 min(s) PowerPoint / Slides
Introduction to PubMed These slides were designed to introduce PubMed to new users who have no prior experience with PubMed, and can be presented in about 45 minutes, as-is. However, we encourage you to abridge, expand, adapt and/or redistribute these slides to better meet the needs of your audience. Additionally, five slides (numbers 1, 2, 5, 12, and 38) should be either removed or modified, depending on your specific needs. These slides are free of copyright restriction, but we appreciate attribution to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. June 18, 2024 45 min(s) PowerPoint / Slides
Title Date Runtime Format
Tips for Using PubMed A two-page handout on the very basics of PubMed. June 28, 2024 N/A PDF / Document
Tips for Using PubMed (version for editing) An editable version of a two-page handout on the very basics of PubMed. June 28, 2024 N/A MS Word / Document
Consejos para usar PubMed | Tips for Using PubMed (Spanish) Un folleto de dos páginas sobre los conceptos básicos de Pubmed. June 28, 2024 N/A PDF / Document
Consejos para usar PubMed | Tips for Using PubMed (Spanish version for editing) Un folleto de dos páginas sobre los conceptos básicos de Pubmed. June 28, 2024 N/A MS Word / Document
Title Date Runtime Format
What is in PubMed? Learn what you can find in PubMed, and how it got there. April 1, 2024 3 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Find articles on a topic A brief tutorial on how to find articles on a topic using PubMed. July 9, 2024 1 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Find articles by author A brief tutorial on how to find articles by an author using PubMed. Dec. 6, 2023 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Find articles from a citation A brief tutorial on how to find articles from citation information using PubMed. July 8, 2024 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Find articles by journal A brief tutorial on how to find articles from a journal using PubMed. Jan. 10, 2024 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Find the latest treatments for a disease or disorder A brief tutorial on how to find the latest treatments for a disease or disorder using PubMed. July 15, 2024 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Get the full text for an article A brief tutorial on how to get the full text for an article cited in PubMed. July 11, 2024 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Save searches and set email alerts A brief tutorial on how to get alerts for articles on a topic using PubMed. Dec. 6, 2023 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed Subject Search: How It Works A brief tutorial on how automatic term mapping and explosion enhance your PubMed search. Dec. 12, 2023 4 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed and MedlinePlus: Consumer health Help consumers find research in PubMed using MedlinePlus. April 26, 2024 3 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
Proximity Searching in PubMed This tutorial demonstrates how to use proximity searching to find terms close to each other in PubMed. Search for multiple terms appearing in any order within a specified distance of one another in the [Title] or [Title/Abstract] fields. June 17, 2024 4 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Using the Advanced Search Builder Learn to use PubMed's Advanced Search features to refine your search with the example of a publication date range; and find journal and author names using the autocomplete feature. March 15, 2024 3 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
Using PubMed to Find Human-Related Studies This brief tutorial for expert users of PubMed explains how to search for studies indexed as being related to humans, how to separately search non-indexed records, and how to combine these two searches into one string. March 13, 2024 3 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
Title Date Runtime Format
What is in PubMed? (SCORM Package) Learn what is in PubMed and how it got there. April 1, 2024 3 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
Preprints: Accelerating Research (SCORM package) What are preprints, and how are they changing how biomedical research results are shared? Should you use information from preprints? Should you share your own research results in a preprint? This 1-hour online, self-paced course from the National Library of Medicine for researchers, librarians, and others explains the basics of preprints, and explores the benefits and considerations of using and submitting preprints. Jan. 18, 2024 60 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
PubMed: Find Articles by Author (SCORM Package) How to search for an author in PubMed using the search box and Advanced Search (SCORM version). Dec. 6, 2023 2 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
PubMed: Find Articles on a Topic (SCORM Package) How to craft a simple topic search of PubMed (SCORM version). July 9, 2024 2 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
PubMed: Find Articles from a Citation (SCORM Package) Find an article from the author, journal source, publication date or other citation data using PubMed (SCORM version). July 8, 2024 3 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
PubMed: Find Articles by Journal (SCORM Package) How to search for a journal in PubMed (SCORM version). Jan. 9, 2024 2 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
PubMed: Find the Latest Treatments for a Disease (SCORM Package) How to quickly find articles about treatment for a disease using PubMed (SCORM version). July 17, 2024 2 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
PubMed: Get the Full Text of an Article (SCORM Package) How to link to the full text from PubMed (SCORM version). July 11, 2024 2 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
PubMed: Save Searches and Set Email Alerts (SCORM Package) How to save a search and email search results in PubMed (SCORM version). Dec. 6, 2023 2 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
PubMed Subject Search: How It Works (SCORM Package) A brief tutorial on how automatic term mapping and explosion enhance your PubMed search (SCORM version). Jan. 12, 2023 4 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
Using PubMed in Evidence-Based Practice (SCORM package) Using PubMed in Evidence-Based Practice was created to help clinicians including nurses and allied health professionals develop a clinical question using the PICO framework and efficiently find relevant biomedical literature using PubMed. The tutorial was designed to be completed in less than 30 minutes. This tutorial replaces the NLM PubMed for Nurses tutorial. Nov. 14, 2023 60 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
Proximity Searching in PubMed (SCORM Package) This tutorial demonstrates how to use proximity searching to find terms close to each other in PubMed. Search for multiple terms appearing in any order within a specified distance of one another in the [Title] or [Title/Abstract] fields. Nov. 30, 2022 4 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
Using PubMed to Find Human-Related Studies (SCORM Package) This brief tutorial for expert users of PubMed explains how to search for studies indexed as being related to humans, how to separately search non-indexed records, and how to combine these two searches into one string. March 13, 2024 3 min(s) ZIP / SCORM Package
Title Date Runtime Format
How PubMed Works This series of four classes addresses increasing health information access and use by highlighting information about the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed bibliographic database. July 7, 2023 360 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
Drug and Chemical Information 3. Exploring New Drug Research This online, self-paced course is intended to introduce librarians to the NLM resources that provide drug and chemical information for healthcare professionals and researchers conducting systematic reviews or other in-depth research. Through hands-on exercises, learners will practice advanced PubMed search techniques using the MeSH vocabulary to find the latest research about drugs and chemicals, including clinical trials. Participants will practice their new skills in authentic problem-based scenarios focused on assisting library users with their clinical and research information needs. July 14, 2023 N/A HTML / On-Demand Course
Preprints: Accelerating Research What are preprints, and how are they changing how biomedical research results are shared? Should you use information from preprints? Should you share your own research results in a preprint? This course from the National Library of Medicine® explains the basics of preprints, and explores the benefits and considerations of using and submitting preprints. Jan. 18, 2024 60 min(s) HTML / On-Demand Course
Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) Changes and PubMed Searching - On Demand Every year, the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are updated. How does this affect your PubMed searches? What happens when a term gets changed, added, or moved to a different part of the MeSH hierarchy? How do you accommodate vocabulary changes over time in your comprehensive searches? How do you check your saved searches and alerts? This class, intended for expert searchers, answers these questions. Feb. 21, 2023 90 min(s) HTML / On-Demand Course
Topic Searching in PubMed: Using the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Learn how to use the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for basic and expert PubMed searching in this hands-on, self-paced course. June 5, 2024 120 min(s) HTML / Tutorial
How PubMed Works - On Demand Are you new to PubMed? Maybe you'd like a refresher. This on-demand, 4 module online class walks through all the parts of the PubMed interface. Each module is designed to take approximately 90 minutes to complete, and each is worth 1.5 MLA CE credits. You can start and stop at your convenience, and take only the modules that interest you. Each module is made up of a pre- and post-test, a recording and an assignment. July 20, 2023 360 min(s) HTML / On-Demand Course
Title Date Runtime Format
Búsqueda por tema en PubMed: Cómo funciona | PubMed Subject Search: How it Works (Spanish) Cómo funciona PubMed. Dec. 14, 2023 4 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Buscar los últimos tratamientos para una enfermedad o trastorno | PubMed: Find the Latest Treatments for a Disease or Disorder(Spanish) Cómo buscar los últimos tratamientos para una enfermedad o trastorno en PubMed. July 18, 2024 3 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Buscar artículos sobre un tema | PubMed: Search for articles about a topic (Spanish) Como buscar artículos sobre un tema en PubMed. July 9, 2024 1 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Buscar artículos por revista | PubMed: Search for articles by journal (Spanish) Siga estas instrucciones para buscar artículos por revista en PubMed. Jan. 11, 2024 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Guardar búsquedas y configurar alertas por correo electrónico | PubMed: Save searches and set up email alerts (Spanish) Siga estas instrucciones para crear una alerta. Dec. 6, 2023 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Obtener el texto completo de un artículo | PubMed: Get the full text of an article (Spanish) Como obtener el texto completo de un artículo de PubMed. July 12, 2024 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Buscar artículos de una cita | PubMed: Search for articles from a citation (Spanish) Siga estas instrucciones para buscar artículos de una cita en PubMed. July 8, 2024 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
PubMed: Buscar artículos por autor | PubMed: Search for articles by author (Spanish) Siga estas instrucciones para buscar artículos por autor. Dec. 8, 2023 2 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
¿Qué hay en PubMed? | What is in PubMed? (Spanish) Este video describe el contenido de PubMed, incluye los procesos de selección de las revistas de MEDLINE y de PubMed Central. May 31, 2024 4 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour

See Also