NIH Public Access Compliance Toolkit

National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded investigators are required by Federal law to submit (or have submitted) to PubMed Central (PMC) an electronic version of the final, peer-reviewed manuscript upon acceptance for publication. This toolkit provides educational and other resources to help you comply with this policy.
Title Date Runtime Format
NIH Grants Policy Statement: 8.2.2 NIH Public Access Policy The NIH Public Access Policy. Dec. 1, 2022 N/A HTML / Page
NIH Public Access Policy Details Guidance for interpreting the NIH Public Access policy (e.g., defines direct support, addresses specific award types, etc.) March 13, 2024 N/A HTML / Page
Title Date Runtime Format
Determining Applicability (NIH Public Access Policy Compliance) This document lists the applicability standards for the NIH Public Access Policy. March 13, 2024 N/A HTML / Help Page or FAQ
For Authors (PubMed Central) This page aims to help authors determine whether their paper is eligible for submission to PMC, how it may be deposited, and by whom. March 14, 2022 N/A HTML / Help Page or FAQ
Determine Submission Method (NIH Public Access Policy) Determine your submission method using the list of journals that submit directly to PMC (Method A). March 13, 2024 N/A HTML / Help Page or FAQ
NIH Public Access and PMC Answers to your questions about public access and PubMed Central, including: How are NIH-funded articles submitted to PMC? What is the relationship between PMCID, NIHMSID, and PMID? How can I monitor the compliance status of an article? How do I associate funding information with an article already in PubMed? May 20, 2022 N/A HTML / Help Page or FAQ
electronic Research Administration (eRA Commons): Manage Publications Use the information on this page to find instructions on how to manage your publications in compliance with the NIH Public Access Policy May 30, 2024 N/A HTML / Help Page or FAQ
Title Date Runtime Format
SciENcv for NSF Users: Biographical Sketches This video focuses on features in SciENcv that help you create, share, and maintain NSF approved biographical sketches that are used for proposal submission. July 18, 2024 6 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
An Update to SciENcv, the Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae A minor update incorporating changes made to the NIH biosketch format for submissions beginning on or after May 25, 2021 Aug. 17, 2021 4 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS): Deposit and Initial Approval This video provides a detailed demonstration of the NIH Manuscript Submission (NIHMS) process, including how to associate funding, upload required files, and approve the submission for conversion to PMC-ready documents. Jan. 27, 2022 6 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
My Bibliography A brief introduction to the new My Bibliography page released in May, 2019. May 3, 2019 2 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
NCBI Minute: An Insider's Guide to the New My Bibliography My Bibliography is a central place to save and share your citations. You can add PubMed citations, create them manually, or upload them from citation managers. In this webinar you will learn how to navigate the new interface, receive a few helpful tips to make your experience easier, get a sneak peek of features under development, and learn how you can help us improve My Bibliography by providing feedback. Sept. 28, 2019 N/A MP4 Video / YouTube Video
Title Date Runtime Format
Managing Compliance to the NIH Public Access Policy Using My Bibliography The My Bibliography User Guide section with instruction on tasks associated with public access compliance. June 28, 2021 N/A HTML / Help Page or FAQ
NIH Public Access Compliance Monitor User Guide The NIH Public Access Compliance Monitor (PACM) provides an institution with the current compliance status of all journal articles that are associated with the institution and fall under the NIH Public Access Policy. This database is provided as a service to our awardees to help them track compliance, should they wish to use it. It is not a formal reporting or monitoring tool for NIH. April 8, 2019 N/A PDF / Document
NIH Manuscript Submission System Slide Show Help Help and FAQ for NIH-funded researchers on using the NIH Manuscript Submission System. Jan. 1, 2020 N/A HTML / Tutorial

See Also