Training on Biomedical Informatics, Data Science, and Data Management

The National Library of Medicine offers a range of training on biomedical data and informatics.
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Bioinformatics and Biology Essentials for Librarians: Databases, Tools, and Clinical Applications Self-paced class that reviews basic biology concepts and takes a deep dive into NCBI Molecular Biology Databases. Jan. 16, 2024 N/A HTML / On-Demand Course
NCBI Outreach Events Search and apply for upcoming NCBI webinars, workshops, codeathons, and other outreach activities. Jan. 1, 2023 N/A HTML / Directory
NCBI Learn The catalog of NCBI Webinars and Courses, Conferences and Presentations, Tutorials and Documentation. (Note: For PubMed resources, see Jan. 1, 2023 N/A HTML / Directory
Drug Terminologies and RxNorm This one-hour, on-demand training session with videos and exercises is intended to introduce you to the basic concepts of medical terminologies, with a specific focus on NLM's drug terminology RxNorm. Sept. 1, 2019 60 min(s) HTML / On-Demand Course
Drive-Thru Data: Using NLM APIs to Access Information Fast On May 14, 2024, Mike Davidson from the User Engagement Program hosted the training Drive-Thru Data: Using NLM APIs to Access Information Fast. This webinar is aimed at librarians and other information professionals who are familiar with NLM’s products and services, but want to explore NLM data in new ways. May 23, 2024 65 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
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NIH Data Management and Sharing Requirements Series The webinar series introduces the basics of data management and the new requirements for data management and sharing that will be in place beginning in 2023. The introduction will then be followed by three webinars providing “practitioner perspectives” – i.e., data librarians sharing their opportunities, barriers, methods, and successes as they work toward improving data management practices at their institutions. March 18, 2022 60 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
NNLM Toolkit for the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy A selection of guides, toolkits, and other resources for librarians working on addressing the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. Nov. 4, 2022 N/A HTML / Page
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Overview A presentation on the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy that goes into effect January 2023. Dec. 2, 2022 53 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Workshop On Demand This on-demand workshop provides an extensive look at the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy which went into effect January 25, 2023. The workshop is intended for those without much experience working in research data management and will provide an overview of the NIH policy, research data management basics, and related resources. June 30, 2023 360 min(s) HTML / On-Demand Course
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Navigating New Norms: Harnessing Generative AI for Library Services and Solutions This 6-hour course is designed to equip librarians with the knowledge and skills needed to automate efforts in advancing analytics, creating content, and answering library users' questions. Register to embark on a journey exploring the nuts and bolts of generative AI, from its foundational concepts to practical applications in library settings. June 10, 2024 360 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
The Research Data Services Landscape: How Do You Start And Where Does Your Library Fit In? This course is designed as an entry point for people unfamiliar with the field of research data services in libraries. The goal is to introduce what data services librarians work on and to present information on how learners can grow in this area. This includes mentioning other trainings offered by NNLM that would further their studies in data services. Learners will be able to describe the type of work done in data services and the subtopics found in data services. May 9, 2023 53 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
NNLM Carpentries Workshops The Network of the National Library of Medicine sponsors Carpentries workshops covering a variety of topics. The target audience is learners who have little to no prior computational experience, and the instructors put a priority on creating a friendly environment to empower learners and enable data-driven discovery. Even those with some experience will benefit, as the goal is to teach not only how to do analyses, but how to manage the process to make it as automated and reproducible as possible. March 7, 2023 N/A HTML / Page
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Common Data Elements: Standardizing Data Collection: A Tutorial Making research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) starts well before data collection. Designing studies with common data elements (CDEs) can enable data sharing and reuse. Librarians and other information professionals have an important role in educating and assisting researchers in the use of CDEs. Whether you are a research data librarian or assist researchers in finding sources, this one-hour, self-paced course from the National Library of Medicine can help you understand how you can support the use of common data elements (CDEs) in creating FAIR data. March 5, 2024 60 min(s) HTML / Site
Creating Data Management Plans with DMPTool A presentation showing the capabilities of the DMPTool in order to create a data management plan. Dec. 13, 2022 54 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
Fundamentals of Health Sciences Research Data Management This class is designed to provide information professionals, working in health sciences, with an introduction to research data management. The primary goal of this course is to improve your knowledge and skills in research data management and enable you to add or enhance research data management training and services at your institution. This 8-week course will have participants read foundational texts in research data management, engage in discussions with other participants, complete assignments designed to improve knowledge and skills, and develop a final project of teaching a concept from the course or delivering a presentation on library roles in research data management. Participants will work with course facilitators and community experts to complete course assignments and gain an understanding of the role of research data management in libraries. When this class is offered, participation will be capped at 60, so if you are interested in applying to register for this course, please commit to spending 3 total hours per week engaging with the course readings and assignments. June 7, 2023 N/A HTML / Page
Standardize Your Research Data with the NIH Common Data Element Repository (March 2023) On March 29, 2023, Catherine Staley from the Office of Engagement and Training and Robin Taylor from the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) MEDLARS Management Section (MMS) hosted the training Standardize Your Research Data with the NIH Common Data Elements Repository. Through live demonstrations and hands-on exercises, this course introduces you to common data elements (CDEs) and the NIH Common Data Elements Repository (CDE-R). April 24, 2023 88 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
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A Bird's Eye View of Health Data Standards This one-hour training session with videos and exercises is intended to introduce you to health data standards and how they are used, including relevant National Library of Medicine (NLM) products and services. Sept. 1, 2021 60 min(s) HTML / On-Demand Course
Getting the Right Information to Patients Using MedlinePlus Connect: Tutorial This one-hour training session with videos and exercises is intended to introduce you to what MedlinePlus Connect does and how, and point you to resources for implementing MedlinePlus Connect at your institution. Sept. 1, 2021 60 min(s) HTML / On-Demand Course
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Finding and Using Health Statistics This course describes the range of available health statistics, identifies their sources and helps you understand how to use information about their structure as you search. Aug. 18, 2023 N/A HTML / Tutorial
What is Bioinformatics Librarianship? A growing number of librarians are filling a special niche in the information world: serving those who work with genetic and molecular biology information. In this one-hour webinar, eight of your colleagues explain their specialized and uniquely valuable roles at their institution. Jan. 17, 2017 58 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
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NLM's University-based Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Research Training Programs A list of research training programs supported by the National Library of Medicine. Nov. 2, 2023 N/A HTML / Page
NLM Intramural Training Opportunities The NLM Intramural Research Program (IRP) directs its efforts toward two broad areas of computational biomedical sciences: 1. Computational biology using biological data to advance algorithms and models to better comprehend biological systems and to connect relationships between any level of biological organization, and 2. computational health sciences focusing on clinical information processing, including new computational methods for clinical data and health data standards. Oct. 2, 2023 N/A HTML / Page

See Also