Learn about Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)

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PubMed Subject Search: How It Works A brief tutorial on how automatic term mapping and explosion enhance your PubMed search. Dec. 12, 2023 4 min(s) MP4 Video / Quick Tour
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Topic Searching in PubMed: Using the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) Learn how to use the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) for basic and expert PubMed searching in this hands-on, self-paced course. June 5, 2024 120 min(s) HTML / Tutorial
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Drug and Chemical Information 3. Exploring New Drug Research This online, self-paced course is intended to introduce librarians to the NLM resources that provide drug and chemical information for healthcare professionals and researchers conducting systematic reviews or other in-depth research. Through hands-on exercises, learners will practice advanced PubMed search techniques using the MeSH vocabulary to find the latest research about drugs and chemicals, including clinical trials. Participants will practice their new skills in authentic problem-based scenarios focused on assisting library users with their clinical and research information needs. July 14, 2023 N/A HTML / On-Demand Course
Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) Changes and PubMed Searching - On Demand Every year, the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) are updated. How does this affect your PubMed searches? What happens when a term gets changed, added, or moved to a different part of the MeSH hierarchy? How do you accommodate vocabulary changes over time in your comprehensive searches? How do you check your saved searches and alerts? This class, intended for expert searchers, answers these questions. Feb. 21, 2023 90 min(s) HTML / On-Demand Course
What do the Dates in MeSH Mean? What does the year introduced mean in MeSH? What if there are 2 dates or no date? May 12, 2016 2 min(s) MP4 Video / YouTube Video
MeSH Changes and PubMed Searching 2024 On January 25, 2024, Catherine Staley and Kate Majewski from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) taught the class, MeSH Changes and PubMed Searching 2024. This class teaches users how annual MeSH updates may affect PubMed searches. Feb. 8, 2024 72 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
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Cataloging with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) On April 26, 2024, Sharon Willis, Senior Cataloging Specialist at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, taught Cataloging with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). This webinar explores the use of the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in the cataloging environment. May 14, 2024 88 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
Cataloging and Metadata Management: Using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in Cataloging An 8-module training course on cataloging with MeSH. Dec. 13, 2017 N/A MP4 Video / Quick Tour
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2024 MeSH Highlights On January 10, 2024, Louise To and a panel of experts from the National Library of Medicine presented the webinar, 2024 MeSH Highlights. This webinar summarizes the changes for the 2024 MeSH. This presentation features examples of new and updated terminology followed by a Q&A session with NLM Indexing and MeSH experts. Feb. 2, 2024 55 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
2023 MeSH Highlights On January 10, 2023, Louise To and a panel of experts from the National Library of Medicine presented the webinar, 2023 MeSH Highlights. This webinar summarizes the changes for the 2023 MeSH. This presentation features examples of new and updated terminology followed by a Q&A session with NLM Indexing and Mesh experts. Jan. 18, 2023 56 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
2022 MeSH Highlights On January 12, 2022, Louise To and a panel of experts from the National Library of Medicine presented the webinar, 2022 MeSH Highlights. The webinar summarizes the changes for the 2022 MeSH featuring examples of new and updated terminology related to: COVID-19 and other diseases; Social Determinants of Health; and Population Groups Feb. 3, 2022 53 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
2021 MeSH Highlights Every year, updates are made to MeSH, the NLM controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing articles for PubMed. This annual webinar aims to introduce those changes and provide examples of how the changes may affect you as a PubMed searcher. For more information about MeSH, see the MeSH homepage. Feb. 17, 2021 53 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
2020 MeSH Highlights On January 10, 2020, Sarah Helson from the National Library of Medicine highlighted new and important changes for 2020 MeSH. A 20-minute presentation included a new publication type, "Randomized Controlled Trial, Veterinary," new MeSH "as Topic" Headings, and a new tree structure for Infections. March 27, 2020 46 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
2019 MeSH Highlights On January 4, 2019, NLM staff provided a highlights tour of the 2019 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). A 20-minute presentation featured new publication types, including systematic reviews; three deleted subheadings; and additional terminology for data, neoplasms and more. June 16, 2020 30 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
2018 MeSH Highlights On January 5, 2018, NLM staff provided a highlights tour of the 2018 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). A 20-minute presentation featured a deleted subheading; new publication types; isotope and radioisotope terminology updates; additional terminology for viruses, smoking, and sugars; and restructuring in the plant and animal terminology. Following the presentation, Indexing and MeSH experts answered user questions. Jan. 12, 2018 21 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
2017 MeSH Highlights On January 27, 2017, NLM staff provided a highlights tour of the 2017 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). A 30-minute presentation featured a new subheading; new protein classes; additional dietary supplement concepts; changes to both the phenomena and technologies trees; and a new MeSH Browser. Following the presentation, Indexing and MeSH experts answered questions. Feb. 6, 2017 55 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
2016 MeSH Highlights On January 20, 2016, NLM staff provided a highlights tour of the 2016 Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). A 30-minute presentation featured a MeSH tree clean-up project; a new Clinical Study publication type; changes to the trees for diet, food and nutrition; restructuring in pharmacology and toxicology; and new terms in psychology and health care. Following the presentation, Indexing, MeSH, and PubMed searching experts answered user questions. Jan. 29, 2016 56 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
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NLM Office Hours Special Listening Session: MeSH (June 2022) On June 30, 2022, Dianne Babski (NLM Associate Director, Library Operations), Amanda Wilson (Acting Deputy Associate Director, Library Operations), and Dan Cho (Technical Information Specialist, NLM MeSH Team) hosted a special NLM Office Hour: Listening Session on MeSH. It includes a brief presentation, and a conversation with the audience. July 6, 2022 58 min(s) MP4 Video / Webinar
NLM Office Hours: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH, June 2022) On June 30, 2022, Elaine Alligood and the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network co-hosted a special NLM Office Hours with Dr. Dan Cho from NLM's MeSH team. Dr. Cho described how MeSH is developed and explained the role of community input in MeSH development. A Q&A and discussion followed the brief presentation. Nov. 15, 2022 45 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
NLM Office Hours Special Listening Session: MeSH (January 2023) On January 18, 2023, Dianne Babski (NLM Associate Director, Library Operations) and Dan Cho (Technical Information Specialist, NLM MeSH Team) briefly discussed how NLM determines which new and updated terms are added to MeSH and share factors that impact the updates to MeSH. The remainder of the session includes a conversation with the audience. Feb. 10, 2023 57 min(s) HTML / Webinar Source Page
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MeSH on Demand: Finding MeSH Terms in Your Text. A tutorial showing how to use MeSH on Demand tool to find MeSH terms in a biomedical text. The tutorial described the tool’s interface and explains its basic principles of operation. June 20, 2018 5 min(s) MP4 Video / Video Tutorial
MeSH on Demand Dan Cho describes MeSH on Demand, a tool for identifying MeSH from text, for MLA 2015. Sept. 9, 2015 12 min(s) MP4 Video / Video Tutorial
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Semantic MEDLINE: An Advanced Information Management Application for Biomedicine Marcelo Fiszman, Lister Hill Center for Biomedical Communications, describes Semantic MEDLINE, a tool for exploring semantic relationships in MEDLINE June 21, 2017 16 min(s) MP4 Video / Video Tutorial

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